Chief Bottle Washer Archives - KBACK Rock Radio This is OUR Rock! Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:02:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230791287 “CRAZY” FRANK Wed, 15 Apr 2020 14:38:18 +0000 I’ve always been the square peg. The kid who marched to the beat of his own drummer. The guy no one was ever quite sure what to make of, but was always curious to see what I’d do next. To me, that’s entertainment. Relatable, informative, but in an engaging and [...]

The post “CRAZY” FRANK appeared first on KBACK Rock Radio.

I’ve always been the square peg. The kid who marched to the beat of his own drummer. The guy no one was ever quite sure what to make of, but was always curious to see what I’d do next. To me, that’s entertainment. Relatable, informative, but in an engaging and entertaining way.

Some kids want to be astronauts when they grow up.

I wanted to be Dr. Johnny Fever or Wolfman Jack.

It’s quest that has taken me on a radio journey that spans nearly three decades, more than a few crazy girlfriends, and five states.

My hobbies include loud bikes, loud music, spicy food and meeting strange characters on the road of life. Imagine how boring The Wizard of Oz would have been if Dorothy had just hitched a cab to see the Wizard?

Life is a journey. Walk in the grass.

The post “CRAZY” FRANK appeared first on KBACK Rock Radio.
